What is a Cleanse?
A cleanse is designed to rid the body (i.e. blood, organs, lean and fatty tissues) of accumulated metabolic waste products and environmental toxins. This can only be achieved if the inflow of new nutrients and toxins falls below the amount being expunged by cells, and eliminated through excretory pathways. Those pathways are the breath, skin, urine, and colon. To achieve a bodily state where excretion exceeds accumulation, it is most effective to severely restrict dietary intake while simultaneously accelerating elimination.
Biochemical individuality, lifestyle, and body type largely determine what type of cleansing program is most suitable for every individual. This is why there is such a variety of techniques such as vegetable cleansing diets, water fasts, Green Vibrance fasts, fiber cleanses, etc. For most people with relatively health-conscious diets who haven’t been exposed to high levels of toxins throughout their lives, Vibrant Cleanse provides a time tested way to rid the body of accumulated toxins. On the other hand, Vibrant Cleanse is not suitable for use by hypoglycemics and diabetics.
Why Can’t I Eat While Cleansing?
The first step in cleansing is to cut down on the intake of calories and toxins. This is why Vibrant Cleanse should take the place of regular meals during the cleansing period. Even healthy foods such as fresh veggies contain toxins that must be processed, which takes energy. By reducing caloric intake, cellular energy previously used to metabolize incoming nutrients and get rid of incoming toxins can now be used to eliminate metabolic waste and expel the toxins that were already present.
How Are the Toxins Eliminated?
In the next step of the process, Vibrant Cleanse works to release bodily pollutants stored in fatty tissues. These undesirable substances are then put into circulation for eventual elimination (the ultimate goal of the cleanse). In rare cases where an individual has extreme amounts of toxins in the body, there is a risk of feeling weak or ill due to the amount of toxins circulating through the body before being excreted. This is a sign that the body is getting rid of a lot of waste. Excretory pathways can usually keep up with the rate that toxins are being released. However, we recommend the use of herbal laxative teas and salt water purges in order to assure quick elimination of them.
How Long Should I Cleanse?
This process is usually practiced for 3-10 days. Although some have gone up to 30 days with our Vibrant Cleanse, I wouldn’t recommend cleansing any longer than 14 days.
Are there any Dangers of this Fasting?
Obviously, a brief period of malnutrition due to the reduction in caloric and nutrient intake will be experienced. However, our biochemistry is accustomed to such deprivation, which is why we have evolved methods of storage for key nutrients. These “back up” supplies keep all bodily functions operating well during the brief cleanse. At the end of the period of strict fasting, I recommend a switch to morning and evening servings of Green Vibrance, perhaps with some added Rainbow Vibrance, as a means of quickly replenishing trace nutrients stores within the body. Such a supplement regimen can be combined with a diet of 80% cooked and 20% raw vegetables, and can be continued for several days as a way of easing out of the fast.
Why not Use a Water Fast Instead?
Vibrant Cleanse is a modified liquid fast in that it provides a low level of nutrients that are sufficient to sustain most consumers through daily activities but also restricts intake to a level that maximizes the body’s cleansing capabilities. This is more effective than water fasts that completely eliminate nutrient intake, which can slow the metabolism to starvation levels. This effect slows detoxification during a water fast. Furthermore, after breaking a water fast, metabolism can remain depressed, resulting in weight gain and sluggishness. The small amount of nutrients in Vibrant Cleanse is sufficient to keep the body from entering “starvation mode”, thereby helping thwart metabolic depression.
Vibrant Cleanse is a powdered organic formula of Grade B Maple Syrup, Lemon and Cayenne Pepper taken as part of the Master Cleanse which is a 3-10 day fasting cleanse where one drinks 6-8 glasses of Vibrant Cleanse a day. Vibrant Cleanse provides sustenance without cellular stress, so that each cell of the body can efficiently rid itself of metabolic waste, toxic foreign elements and accumulated environmental toxins. The chemical changes and cleansing have a way of removing cravings and many probable deficiencies. Thus the desire for the unnatural types of stimulants and depressants disappear. The Master Cleanse helps break many habit forming devitalizing elements of modern living – coffee, tea and various cola drinks, lose their appeal.
Having just completed a 10 day Vibrant Cleanse (see below posts for daily updates) I thought it would be helpful to jot down some helpful hints for those of you thinking about doing a Vibrant cleanse:
- MIND SET -Make sure you are in the right frame of mind and make the commitment to yourself to stick to the cleansebefore you start, because during the cleanse it may get tough and you may want to quit.
- CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE– social occasions are difficult and tempting and if your body detoxes heavily you will not feel up to going out.
- LIVER SUPPORT – The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile, which helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down the nutrients and drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body. More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. EVERYONE needs to cleanse and support their liver, whether you drink alcohol or not. Make sure you take natural liver support supplements such as Liquorice and Dandelion tinctures to help your liver function optimally and to avoid the buildup of toxins – especially during the Vibrant cleanse. This is very important as your liver may not be able to cope with the amount of toxins your body is trying to get rid of as a result of the cleanse.
- WATER – drink lots of water – at least 2 litres of pure water a day.
- DETOXING – remember that the worse you feel the more you need it! Your body is getting rid of all the toxins and as a result you may experience some detox symptoms. Detox symptoms may include: headaches, lethargy, temporary muscle aches, mucus or other discharge, a coated, pasty tongue, flu-like symptoms, irritability, difficulty sleeping, weakness, cravings, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and/or gas.
- LYMPH – the main function of the lymphatic system is to collect and transport tissue fluids from the intercellular spaces in all the tissues of the body, back to the veins in the blood system.It is vital that your lymph is kept clear especially during your detox. Get a rebounderand jump for 2 minutes at least 3 times a day (www.reboundsa.co.za or contact Natural Vibrance), go to yoga or a qualified lymphatic drainage therapistBUT most importantly drink lots of WATER
- DISTRACT YOURSELF – read a good book, watch a new series, go for a long walk, go to yoga, do whatever you enjoy doing that will help keep you distracted from food.
- EXERCISE – it is possible to exercise and maintain daily function whilst on Vibrant Cleanse. We are able to utilise and assimilate a large amount of our protein needsusing the elements available in our body, therefore even athletes can continue to train whilst on the cleanse. I continued to run and swim during my 10 day cleanse. I even played a water polo match on the 10th day!
- SUPPORT – make sure you have a support system around you whether it is a partner, family member or friend. Having someone to lean on during the Vibrant Cleanse is a big help.
- POST CLEANSE – Stick to the post cleanse diet as directed on the Vibrant Cleanse tub. It is very important to ease yourself back on to food, your digestive system has just had a complete break so don not overload it with heavy foods (meat, dairy, nuts, eggs) as this may result in severe cramping or toxic shock undoing all the good that you have just done.
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