I have to start by saying that I am an essentially very healthy, averagely fit woman in my mid-fifties. I have been on many “health retreats” and have a pretty good healthy diet; I am possibly only a couple of kilos overweight.
About 2 years ago I started suffering with lower back and lower stomach pain, cramping and mobility seizing in the morning from when I get out of bed until around 10.30am in the mornings. This got worse month by month, until eventually I had to assist myself to stand up from bending over a basin to brush my teeth, on really bad days I would hold the wall to walk for the first half hour of my day. Once my body was “warmed up” it seemed to ease off, but if I had a glass of wine with dinner it would be much worse. This went on for such a long time that eventually I had almost totally stopped having the odd glass of wine and eventually on recommendation from the specialist I went for a Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy and X-rays of my stomach, spine and hips in February this year, everything was clear except for “age related degeneration of my lower spine and disks”.
Around the end of March I popped into the Cavendish Health Store, for something totally unrelated and got chatting to the assistant. She recommended I try the Joint Vibrance, explaining that clients had reported good results after around 6 weeks, so much so that they were able to reduce the daily intake – thereby making it more affordable (as I mentioned it was quite pricey for me).
I decided to give it a try, well – Day 1 was awful, I tried to mix it into some berry juice that I had in my fridge and it was a lumpy mess. I had spent all this money and so I had to find a way to take it! Day 2, I used my small battery operated hand-whisk which worked well but it almost foamed over because I’d used almost a full glass of juice, but at least the taste wasn’t so bad. Day 3, I used only about 1/3 of a glass of juice and whisked it until it frothed to the top of the glass – this makes the most delicious type of “smoothy”, just wonderful. As recommended I have this on an empty stomach and it actually fills me, so I am actually losing weight as well – fabulous upside.
After just 2 weeks I was beginning to feel much better and was so much more mobile. Now, about 9 weeks later, I have NO pain at all and am bouncing out of bed in the morning as if I was a young woman again. I have reduced the dose to about half (2 teaspoons) in the last week, but if I have wine then I will have a full dose (which is more or less 4 teaspoons) or 3 teaspoons.
It is a truly marvellous product and you are welcome to get anyone to call me about it.