I started making use of Natural Vibrance products about 6 months ago, and the results were great. While playing hockey at the highest level, I realise the importance and necessity of using the best products out there to supplement my diet. I was referred to Natural Vibrance by a friend who suggested I make use of a more natural and organic supplementation approach and I couldn’t have been more happy with how I felt. I made use of 2 products; namely Green Vibrance, and Pure Green Protein, to supplement my everyday eating plan. Smoothies are a part of my everyday breakfast routine, so I happily added a few scoops first thing in the morning and once home at night again. This allowed me to have the energy to last a full day, and be safe in the knowledge that what I had taken out of my body through intense physical exercise, would be replaced by the Green Vibrance later in the day as a top up. The Green Vibrance later in the day and after all my trainings definitely helped me in feeling better the next day, this is key as it aided the recovery process so I was rearing to go the next day!

I preferred the chocolate flavoured Pure Green Protein, and found it best taken with my smoothie in the morning which consisted of; Banana, flavoured yoghurt, crushed ice and muesli. There are variations of these which are great to play around with and add some newness every now and then but I tended to stick with that recipe the most.

We have managed to convince my friend’s husband (Matt Kemp) to make use of these great products, it’s great to share information on new recipes and the best ingredients!

I definitely wouldn’t hesitate to recommend these products to other sports men and women out there, or just as a great addition to anyone’s everyday life.

Clive Terwin
South African hockey player