I play Water Polo for the Western Province ladies team which recently won the national provincial tournament (Currie Cup) that was held in Durban in April 2012. I have been playing for WP for over 10 years and have been to many water polo tournaments, in all my years playing water polo I have never felt as strong as I did after this tournament. It was the first time I have finished a tournament without sustaining any small, niggling injuries. In fact, I felt that I could quite easily have played in another 5 day tournament immediately thereafter!

I have been using Green Vibrance for over 4 months and Pure Green protein for 2 and half months. During this period I have had a lot to deal with, between working full time and training and preparing for Currie Cup. I was under a lot of physical and mental stress. Despite the long hours and training 5 to 6 times a week however, I found that I could train for longer and harder as a result of my increased energy levels. I took Green Vibrance on daily basis and included Pure Green protein into my morning smoothie as well as a post-training smoothie. The protein addition to my smoothies helped satiate that crazy post workout hunger I used to get, where it felt like nothing I ate could satisfy me. Not only did I feel stronger, but I found that my recovery time was excellent, allowing me to train just as hard the next day.

During the Currie Cup tournament the pure green protein sachets were very useful. The sachets made it easy to have a protein shake straight after the game, again leaving me satiated and with more energy in the following game and the next day.

In the beginning the Vanilla Pure Green protein was my favourite flavour but now I prefer the Natural flavour. The taste takes some getting used to but now I wouldn’t have a smoothie without it.

We nicked named Green Vibrance – Jungle juice and Super Swamp

Through Facebook I have a friend in the UK who is now taking Green Vibrance and is spreading the word amongst her friends. My Mom and Aunt are both using Vibrant health products.

I would just like to say how much I love your products, I feel so reassured that what I am taking is the absolute best that I can give my body and that I am getting exactly what the it says on the label, with no added “nasties”.
Thank you for your support.

Kind Regards
Kimberly Kemp
26 June 2012