Choosing the Right Vibrant Health Supplement

By |2024-11-18T09:37:33+02:00November 18th, 2024|Articles|

Choosing the Right Vibrant Health Supplement: A Comparison of Digestive Vibrance, Green Vibrance, and Maximum Vibrance for Your Health Needs. Choosing the right health supplement can feel overwhelming, especially with the wide range of options available. Digestive Vibrance, Green Vibrance, and Maximum Vibrance are three products that stand out for their unique synergistic blends [...]

Reishi Mushroom – 6 Insane Benefits

By |2024-07-10T12:01:46+02:00July 10th, 2024|Articles|

Reishi, an incredibly versatile fungus steeped in millennia of Eastern medicinal tradition, was once a rarity reserved for Chinese royalty due to its exorbitant price tag. Fortunately, the 20th century saw its cultivation, making it more accessible. Today, reishi thrives in South African forests, particularly on hardwoods like African acacia, black wattle, and knob [...]

Green Vibrance – Everything you need to know

By |2023-10-23T15:48:23+02:00October 23rd, 2023|Articles|

INGREDIENTS – AN INDEPTH LOOK ……. Organic Nutrient dense whole leaf plant concentrates There are 16 + 1 plant concentrates in Green Vibrance Cereal grass powders & juices deliver virtually all known nutrients & several uncharacterized co-nutrients of great value Benefits: Nutrient dense (calcium, folate, beta-carotene, vitamin K, E, C) Alkalinising Detoxifying High in [...]

Detox Essentials: Here’s what you need to know

By |2023-02-08T10:25:34+02:00February 8th, 2023|Articles, General|

What is a Cleanse? A cleanse is designed to rid the body (i.e. blood, organs, lean and fatty tissues) of accumulated metabolic waste products and environmental toxins. This can only be achieved if the inflow of new nutrients and toxins falls below the amount being expunged by cells, and eliminated through excretory pathways. Those [...]

Gigartina Red Marine Algae: When “Going Viral” is a “Red” Alert

By |2022-09-21T15:58:48+02:00September 19th, 2022|Articles|

One of Natural Vibrance's absolute favourites and probably one of the most fascinating supplements in the Vibrant Health Range is called Gigartina, or Red Marine Algae. In this video, Angé Loock-Shearer, the founder and health practitioner discusses this wonder of nature and how it may aid in curing seriously concerning illnesses. This incredible, ancient [...]

About the Digestive Remedy™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil

By |2022-09-21T16:43:56+02:00June 7th, 2022|Articles|

DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ offers natural support for a number of stomach and digestive problems. Abdominal burning, discomfort and pain The Other Option’s DIGESTIVE REMEDY™ Siberian Pine Nut Oil offers a natural solution for digestive problems including chronic abdominal pain and a burning stomach. What causes abdominal burning, discomfort and pain? The stomach is a highly [...]

Green Vibrance Arsenic myth debunked

By |2017-07-07T13:35:17+02:00May 3rd, 2016|Articles, General|

“Green Vibrance is no more poisonous – and is indeed far more healthful – than any other natural or whole food a person might consume.” Mark Timon Q & A: According to, an independent food research company that examines health and nutrition products, Green Vibrance contains roughly 24 micrograms of the carcinogen arsenic per [...]

Help protect the body against cancer, viral infections and age-related degenerative diseases with Super Natural Selenium

By |2017-07-07T13:35:18+02:00November 25th, 2015|Articles|

Selenium is present within all our cells but it is specifically plentiful in the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas and testes. As an antioxidant, selenium is one of our disease-fighting nutrients however selenium is highly depleted in our soils. Modern biochemistry tells us that trace minerals zinc, manganese, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, strontium, silicon, iron, chromium and [...]

I went from squatting 185kg to 200kg and ran my fastest 10km in 49 minutes!

By |2017-07-07T13:35:18+02:00August 4th, 2015|Articles, Krebs Zinc, Maximum Vibrance, Super Natural Boron|

As far as training goes, I’ve been lucky enough to have been exposed a range of sports and training methods. Each of these sports have different theories on diet, supplements and training specific to the movement required while competing. My body has had a variety of expectations training wise, when I was rowing during school [...]

Help protect the body against cancer, viral infections and age-related degenerative diseases with Super Natural Selenium

By |2017-07-07T13:35:18+02:00August 4th, 2015|Articles|

Selenium is present within all our cells but it is specifically plentiful in the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas and testes. As an antioxidant, selenium is one of our disease-fighting nutrients however selenium is highly depleted in our soils. Modern biochemistry tells us that trace minerals zinc, manganese, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, strontium, silicon, iron, chromium and [...]

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