This smoothie was made for my 14 month old, he loves his smoothies so much he does a dance after each sip!

Green Vibrance Junior Avo Smoothie Recipe

1 tsp to 1 scoop Green Vibrance Junior (depending on age – please see guidelines below)

1/2 Banana

2 tbls Cooked sweet potato (smoothie works without this but its good to add if you have a hungry baby)

1 tbls Avo

1 tsp Hemp seeds (optional for a bit of extra protein)

Water (200ml to 250mls – depending on preferred thickness)

Blend together and rest easy knowing your baby /child is getting all the nutrition they need to be healthy 🙂

Scoop Size Guidelines

1-2 years – 1 flat teaspoon

2-3 years – 1 heaped teaspoon

3-5 years – 1/3 scoop

5-7 years – 1/2 a scoop

7-9 years – 3/4 scoop

9-12 years – 1 scoop

These dosages are guideline please contact us if you are unsure. Scoop size will vary depending on the size of the child, their activity level, and whether they have any pre-existing condition.