TO DETOX OR NOT TO DETOX! when and why…..
The reasons behind detoxing are many and varied – but I am only just beginning to discover how essential and valuable this truly is.
I have always believed that if you lived an organic, pure and clean life, with a truly healthy diet, eating a lot of raw foods and drinking at least 8 – 10 glasses of pure water daily etc. etc. you would not need to do a full body detox. I have eaten organically, stopped using any chemicals in my home, garden or on my body since 1987 when I moved to New York, where this was all possible – even then. Detoxing was not something I needed or so I thought!

As a health practitioner I was initially only interested in the Vibrant Cleanse “Lemonade Diet or Master Cleanse” as a deep detox for people needing to cleanse and detox from an unhealthy lifestyle, (and in the process lose weight and body fat in a fast and healthy way). My own personal reservation about trying the lemonade diet was that I have never been on a “diet” as I have always eaten very purely and healthily, and can eat more than most women I know. I was truly concerned that I would not cope with only 7 – 8 glasses of VC, 8 glasses of water and herbal tea per day.

Educating and training clients and stores on the benefits, and seeing the wonderful results everyone was having on the product, I began to feel I needed to have first hand experience if I wanted to do this properly. I decided to start the new year with a bang, and embarked on a “10 day cleanse” (the minimum days needed for a total cleanse and some weight loss as far as I am concerned (as well as according to Stanley Burroughs who invented the Lemonade Diet in 1946). I bumbled through it (cheated a few times with a rice cake or a cup of Ntingwe tea and a drop or two of milk – not a good idea by the way), and on DAY 6 I got what started out as sinusitis and then quickly progressed into pneumonia. By day 8 I stopped the cleanse as I was sick as a dog, and ended up in bed for 12 days. Homeopathy thankfully pulled me through. Once I was up and about, I felt I had not completed my cleanse, and I had a niggly feeling that the cleanse had brought something old and buried up and out. After 5 days on the next round of detoxing (and a bit more cheating – AGAIN NOT RECCOMENDED), I had a total neurological breakdown. It started with very sore muscles and joints and a feeling of pins and needles in my arms and legs, headaches and panic attacks. Then I started having muscles spasms, and they got progressively worse and more frequent. After about 4 days I could no longer walk or move, and I was having about 17 attacks a day (all very frightening and concerning). I ended up in the emergency room – where all the Drs could offer me were pain killers, anti-inflammatories and anti-spasmodics. Naturally I refused – I wanted a diagnosis NOT a cover up! Many many tests later revealed nothing wrong with my brain – no MS or Epilepsy and in fact it all looked rather good. Even my blood work was all great! Years of Green Vibrance, Field of Greens, Life Preserver etc. were proving themselves, BUT the question remained – WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?

Being a medical intuitive and so passionate about helping others on their healing path, made me wonder why I was looking to someone else to give me the answers, when deep down I knew the answers myself. I was and still am convinced that I had unleashed deeply buried toxicity from past Pharma drugs with the deep cleanse. I searched the Web for any connection to what I was “feeling was the cause”, and came across the FLOX REPORT. Bingo! Broad spectrum anti-biotics were the cause of my neuro toxicity.
When I was eleven years old I got Tick Bite Fever – and it was misdiagnosed as Flu, until I nearly ended up in a coma. My salvation came in the form of weeks of >>>>>>>>>>>>>> , and in those days there was no knowledge of Pro-biotics, so my health went downhill from there. I struggled with Herpes soon after, then Liver problems, then IBS, CFS, etc. Fifteen years ago I got Pneumonia after a back op (more anti-biotics) then found out l was pregnant. I coughed for 8 months until my first son was born – and then again now in January when I did the cleanse. Somehow, my body buried this all till I brought it out with the cleanse. Eight years ago, I contracted Lymes Disease (an American tick borne spirochete), and the only known treatment then was (and still is as far as the medical fraternity is concerned) broad spectrum antibiotics and LOTS of them. Lymes Disease affected me very badly – mentally, emotionally and physically, and I simply could not function. I owned a business in New York, had two kids, was renovating our home and my husband was seldom home. During one of his business trips back to SA, he discovered a book by a SA Dr named Dr Jadin – “A disease called fatigue” about her treatment of Ricketsial infections. He convinced me to come out to SA every 3 months for treatment, and although this went against every grain in my body – I agreed as I could no longer function as a wife, mother, business woman or person. She nearly killed me with her doses of poisonous drugs, and only the very unplanned pregnancy of my youngest son saved me from more destruction from this treatment. Well – all this is what I have now brought to the surface, and what has made me (and the Drs) initially suspect I had MS or something like a tumour on the brain or spine. The deep detox from the Lemonade Diet brought all these chemical toxins from the depth of my fatty tissue, Lymphatic system and anywhere else it could possibly “hide” it from doing my body further damage, out where it caused my nerves to collapse.

I checked my theory out with my Kinesiologist and healer, as well as my Homeopath, and they agreed that the only way for me to rid myself of this forever, was to do a series of 10 day cleanses with the Vibrant Cleanse. So here I am about to start on my journey to health and healing……….. and hopefully be able to help other people struggling to “be well” on theirs. I do believe that this is the answer to help heal my body of the chemical drugs that have poisoned it for too long.

Wish me luck