Renee’s sister is taking Max Vibrance, Pure Green Protein & Immune Defense, see what she says below (messages are about two weeks apart)
Love – Renee: The Health Nut
“My run was on very tired legs and was so hard. I did 30km but struggled because of muscle fatigue. Had enough energy thanks to MAXIMUM VIBRANCE. It is amazing stuff. I need to not have my two hardest days back to back if possible. It’s good from the point of view of running on tired legs but is not the best quality session. I was wiped out rest of day. Had a good sleep and ready to go again. 3.5km swim after work.”
“I have swum 4.1km and now leaving for a 30km run via Chrischona where you joined Jenny and I. Xxxx Then the next day…. my new bike has a 160km ride and then I have to run 30 mins and I’m done. Just got back from my run and had my PURE GREEN PROTEIN to keep me going until I’ve showered. Feeling good though!”
“Thanks! That MAXIMUM VIBRANCE is such a huge help. You can’t believe how good it is for double session days. Tomorrow is 3.8km swim at 6am and 2hr bike pm.
Miss you and thank you for IMMUNE DEFENSE to keep my immunity strong while training so hard! Have not been sick once.”